Monday, August 25, 2008

i suck...

i will admit it... i've been slack this week in coming up with a project for tomorrow night. this whole tropical storm thing really threw me off track. plus i had a kids birthday party to go to saturday night, i worked on sunday and i started school this morning... so, not making excuses but i'm just saying...

this means tomorrow night will be our first every... Crafty Night Surprise... oooohhh... isn't that fun?!?! actually, i've narrowed it down to 1 of 2 projects... we may do something with felt again (sorry you crafters from last week... there's a lot left...) like a felt flower necklace or hair clip OR make shrinky dink charms... the only problem with the latter is that i don't have a toaster oven.... does anyone have one i can borrow??? e-mail me at emily(at)anomalyfivepoints(dotcom) if you do.... otherwise... felt flowers here we come.

see you tomorrow... and sorry no pics this week either.

ooohhh... but here something you can get excited about...
(there are a couple of changes we still have to make to the flyer, but here she is... oh, and the winning artist also gets 10% of the t-shirt sales! woo hoo!)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Good times Tuesday!

The felting fun of Tuesday night was one of the most laid back classes yet! The crowd was 20-somethings only and we all had a great time drinking and laughing at each others' "learning curve"!!! (names shall remain undisclosed... ha ha!) we had 4 new faces and 2 regulars + me with made for a great group! We learned how to blanket stitch but some decided to march to the beat of a different stitch and make up her own! That's what it's all about... no rules... no bosses... just free thinking creative people coming together! One crafter was so proud that she actually finished a whole project in one evening! She told the group of all the half finished projects around her room. That made us start thinking and another suggested we should have a craft night where you bring an unfinished craft and then with the inspiration from others, finish it at craft night. Thank you to all who came out and made it one of my favorite nights yet! If the storm is really bad tomorrow and I don't end up opening the store, I'm going to try to make the best of it and have a Rainy Crafty Day! We will see which way Fay goes! See you next week and check back soon for our next craft!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

FELT FUN --- tuesday night!

so i've had major crafters-block this week in thinking of a project for this tuesday night. then yesterday i was looking at my ugly blackberry case that came with my phone and thought that something cute to keep it scratch free would be the perfect thing to make this week!!! so come tuesday night and make a phone or IPOD holder! this is a sewing project in which we will be learning how to blanket stitch.

this afternoon i whipped up a sample and was quite pleased with what i came up with! the pouch in the picture doesn't have a velcro closure, but i intend on adding one. i'm envisioning tuesday night (with amstel light in hand) already... cute pouches everywhere adrorned with birdies, lollipop trees, flowers and more! i can't wait to see the creations!

when? this tuesday, august 19th
where? in our workshop @ anomaly
what to bring? 5 bucks, a beverage of choice and if you have a specific device you want to make your pouch for, bring that so we can make sure to cut the felt to size.
questions? call us at 354-7002! see you tuesday for felt fun!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

coaster night pictures...

get organized AND reuse your old cardboard food boxes!

do you have any papers/bills/recipes, etc... you need to organize? school is starting soon... need to keep track of important papers for class? head to anomaly tuesday night to make file boxes!

WHEN? 6:30-8:30p
WHERE? Anomaly, 1021 Park St 32204
WHAT (to bring?): bring a cardboard (or multiple if you'd like to make a few) box of your choice. different sizes look cute together!

see you tuesday!

xo, emily

